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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Ya'ALLAH, jadikanlah aku dibulan ini diantara orang-orang yg memohon pengampunan, Jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hamba-MU yg saleh & setia. Serta jadikanlah aku diantara para kekasih-MU yg dekat dengan-MU, Dengan kelembutan-MU, Wahai yg paling Pengasih dari semua pengasih.(Do'a hari-5)

O ALLAH let me be, in this month, from among those who turn repentant and ask forgiveness for their sins; let me be from among who do good and obey.
(thee); let me be from among those who are thy close friends,
through thy kindness O the most merciful.(5th-day-do'a)

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